Ramblings of a Rubber Mouse

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

¡Que Horror!

Well. I should be studying right now, but I was falling asleep. So I figure I should take a break. Hopefully I won't waste as much time that way.

Anyway. I write fiction and movie scripts as a hobby. Sure, I would love to get them published, but I harbor no illusions that such will happen. I do it mostly because I enjoy doing it. Well, one script I'm writing, (a sequel to a movie some friends of mine and I made for our 2nd-year Spanish class,) is about 70% done. (Rough draft.) But It's not as funny as I was hoping. Of course, I also realize that half the humor is in how badly the movie is made. I was showing the original movie to a friend of mine the other day. (Trust me, this movie is BAD. On a level with Ed Wood. Which, of course, it why its so funny.) Anyway, we were talking a bit about bad movies and why they're so good, and I made the comment about how it seems that cheesy horror movies are making a comeback. Just look at "The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra." It's got a pretty good cult following. And my friend mentioned "Van Helsing." He said, in not so many words, that he loved that movie because it was the same thing: a cheesy horror movie. The only differences are that it had a huge budget, and they tried to make it look serious.
That got me to thinking. He's right. Look at how DUMB the script was. Look at the stupid over-acting. The inconsistencies, the poor dialogue, the emphasis on action that didn't really help the story. All of these are classic cheesy movie ingredients. So, before where I really didn't like "Van Helsing," now, I actually kind of do, because I now realize that it was just horror going back to the roots of the 50's and 60's, (like "The Thing That Wouldn't Die," and "Plan 9 From outer Space,") rather than the roots of the classic monster movies. (Like "Dracula," and "The Wolfman.")


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