Ramblings of a Rubber Mouse

Thursday, February 10, 2005

La muerte de una tormenta

Well, I just read that Eidos just closed down Ion Storm. The people who brought us Anachronox and Thief 3 and Deus Ex are no more.


Sorry. Anyway, Eidos is one frak of a dumb studio. I don't mean that the people there are stupid, but that Eidos has a record for making lots of money from cr*p games like Tomb Raider. Then, they also sell games from like the thief and System Shock series that are works of art from 3rd party developers like Looking Glass Studios, and run them out of business. It's like: "What? You're jealous that you can't makes games that are as good as theirs, so you run them out of business?"

I freeking hate Eidos.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not against capitalism, I'm for it; but sometimes it really can get on my nerves, when stupid too-much-money CEO's line their pockets with the blood and sweat of others, while stifling actual innovation. But, hey, them's the brakes. And, to be fair... Without Eidos, we might never have gotten those great games in the first place, so I guess a few great games is better than none. No?

(And that's the most political you will ever see me get on this site. Don't expect very much of it.)


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