Ramblings of a Rubber Mouse

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

¡A escribir!

Well, I keep meaning to update on Sundays, and I keep getting side-tracked. So, since I remembered to do it now, and I doubt I'll get to it unless I write something right now, I'm going to write right now.

Sooo.... What's going on? Not much. I've discovered two serieses (is that the correct plural?) that I like. One is the Kingmaker, Kingbreaker series. It's two books, I'm almost done with the first book. What I like the most is that the prophesied hero is a fisherman who actually talks and feels like a low-class bumpkin fisherman. Most fantasy novels with prophesied heroes who start out on the farm or whatever still sound and feel exactly like all of the soldiers/nobles/inkeepers/whatevers around them. Not in this one. The protagonist speaks with a very low register (at first) and talks just like you would expect a stubborn, rough-around-the-edges fisherman surrounded by people far above his station would. Other than that, it doesn't really break much new ground. It's different from most fantasy I've read, but I don't read as much as I used to or would like to. Still, I find it enjoyable and well-written.
The other series is The Dresden Files. I'd heard of it a while ago but never gotten around to it until now. I must say that it is VERY entertaining, especially if you love looking for cultural references. It's on book nine, I believe, now. I love the character development. Over a single book it's more subtle, but over the whole series (especially considering there might be as much as a year fast-forward between books) there's been quite a bit, and it's been pretty beliveable. Take one book ata time and it's a quick, light, easy read. Take them as a whole and a deep, long-reaching story arc appears. I like that.

*phew.* Okay, hopefully that kick-start will help me to be more consistent.

P.S. Expect my comments on the movie mentioned in the previous post in my next post.

Until later.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Hay que quitar las telarañas

Happy 4th of July!

Wow... who new that being married would take up so much time?


Well.... It's been far over a year. That makes my last post rather ironic in retrospect. Huh. I wonder if anyone will ever realize that I've updated. Anyone who may have ever read this blog on a regular basis probably gave up a long time ago. Oh well.

Anyway... married life is good. I enjoy it and recommend it to anyone who feels mature enough to trust everything they have/are to someone else and accept the same in return.

So... Man, I love those elipses too much. I really should try and use them less.

Returning to the subject of the blog. I really do enjoy blogging. It's the only sort of journal I've been able to keep. I realize it's not a real journal, but it's something. So, I'm once again going to try and re-start this. Just, please give me a chance. Between marriage and *shudder* work. I don't have that much time. But I will try. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against work by itself. It's just that my current job, while it pays well, in a word: bites. It's a call center. The crew bosses are really cool, but the the job itself is slow torture for someone with my personality. If I could find another job, even just part time, I would take it in a second. But for some reason all the job offers I can find either pay too little or are for people more qualified than me. That, or there's some other reason that I wouldn't take it. Eh, maybe I'm just too picky. I don't think I am. I took a call center job, after all. Well... Time will tell.

You must see this.

I'd like to post a review of something. A movie, a book... anything. While I have watched a few DVD's recently, I have only watched one thing that moved me to any degree of emotional response one way or another that I feel I must post something now. And that one thing (which I watched today) moved me so much, that I feel I have to wait at least until tomorrow to say anything about it so I have time to digest it properly and say what I really want to say rather than just some OMG! TAHT WUZ T3H UBER COOLZ! because the movie was far more complex than that. Also, I am too poor to have seen any of the big blockbusters that I've been wanting to. I'm waiting for them to hit the local dollar theater so I can afford to watch them.

So, I'll be weighing in soon with something. Maybe as soon as tomorrow or Sunday, but don't hold your breath. These things take time to develop into a habit.