Ramblings of a Rubber Mouse

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

La nieve

So, like 2 weeks ago it was spring up here in Alaska. Like, seriously spring. Almost no snow, nice sunny days and each day warmer than the previous. So then we get a week off for spring break. And then the snowing starts.

It wasn't very much to begin with, and it would almost completely melt by the end of the day, but three out of five days snowing does not make for a very spring-ey spring break.

As I write this, it's snowing worse than it has for about a month. The roads are icey for the first time in as long. It's in-freeking-sane!

Not to say that I don't like the snow... I do. It's just that, even though I know it happens almost every year, I'm one of those guys that figures that once it starts seeming like the next season, it should STAY the next season.

But, oh well. Garlic and water... Garlic and water...

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Este tiene que ser el dia mas feliz de mi vida.

I just got The Incredibles yesterday!!!!!!! It was almost a week late, but I'm so happy just to have my Widescreen special collectors edition DVD of The Incredibles, that I don't care. I'M SO HAPPY!!! The only problem is that I got it at the END of spring break, instead of the beginning, like I was planning, so, due to classes, I can't set aside a day for an 18-hour Incredibles marathon, like I was hoping to do. Oh, well.

Did I mention that I'm happy?

Friday, March 18, 2005

Solo para que yo sepa...

I just wanna know if anyone actually reads this blog. I'm doubting it, but, hey, you neve know. So if you do, please write a comment to this post and let everyone know.


Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Vale... vale... ya estoy tranquilo.

Sorry about that last outburst. I was having a VERY bad day that day. Anyway... I finally have a job... of sorts. I am selling stuff on eBay for consignment fees! It's cool. I get to make money by being lazy and staying on the internet all day. And no, I'm not just selling people's random junk, either. I am actually working for a now closed hobby store that had a ton of excess products that didn't sell before they closed. Also, the owner, (a close friend of mine,) is probably going to refer me to his sister who owns a toy store here in town that has a bunch of excess, unsold products that she wants to get rid of. So, I'll be set up for a while. If you're interested, my eBay id is "wolfkind". I'm not putting everything up at once, but you should expect new items every 5-7 days.

What else? I found this cool shareware company called swiderweb software. (www.spiderwebsoftare.com) (go fig.) I've been playing the demos. I must say, I wish I had the money to register the games, because they're pretty good RPGs.

Another tiny, unheard-of shareware company is Totally Screwed Software. (http://www.totallyscrewed.net/newsite/home.htm) I played their old "Zombie Smashers X" game a while back. it's was pretty fun. Real old-school type games. Worth checking out.

So, uh... until next time. Love you all! HEY! NOT IN THAT WAY!