Ramblings of a Rubber Mouse

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

La Guerra de las Galaxias

Well, freek. With "Episode III" coming out, there's a buttload of doomsayers out there who are all like: (in a high pitched squeaky voice) "oh, it's gonna stink. It'll be as bad as Episodes I and II. Etc. and so on, blah blah blah... I'm a big sissy..." ad nasuem.

Anyway... I'm so mean to these people because they have no grip. You know what? I LIKED the first two episodes, and I'm really psyked about the 3rd. Yes, I love the original movies too. Maybe Episode I wasn't as good as the first three, but you have to admit, it was a freekin' great movie. Sure, Jar-Jar was annoying, but not THAT annoying. and Midi-Chlorians... Well, it IS George's universe, he can do whatever the frak he wants to with it. If you don't like it: TOUGH. I mean, for crying out loud, everyone sounded like little spoiled rich kids that only got 9 out of the 10 (very expensive) toys (that most children can never afford) for their birthday. Throwing a temper tantrum because they didn't get EXACTLY what they wanted. I mean, come on. He created the thing in the first place. If he want Midi-Chlorians, then so-freekin'-be it.

Anyway, since I live in Alaska, I'm probably not going to be able to see the movie for at least a month or so, unless we get REALLY lucky and get it 1st run. (highly unlikely.) So why are you guys even complaining. 99% of you will be able to see it before half the world anyway, whether you like the movie or not. So get over yourselves and just enjoy it.


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