Someone actually reads my blog enough to bother me about updating! This is one of the better days of my life!
Okay... Well, I know I've been neglegent. It's just I've been rather down-ish. I'm taking a 17 credit load, which is a lot; the LTUE symposium (www.ltue.org) is in less than a month, so that adds a freeking TON to my load; and the past few weeks just have not been my best, you know. Like being hammered to death with nerf bats. And not even the solid ones! The floppy ones that really can't do much of anything at all. Just one or two swings isn't anything much, but 50 zillion kinda get to ya.
What else?
So, I went and saw Hoodwinked. It was surprisingly good. I was expecting a halfway funny kids movie, and got a really funny family movie instead. (I am actually finding that most kids movies have only a few elements to them that if removed or slightly altered, and I do mean slightly, would make the movie much more accessible to more mature audiences.) The movie was a little predictable, and the animation is quite outdated, but niether of those actually detracted from the movie itself. The movie had good jokes, not too many horrible puns, and one of the more entertaining villains I've seen in a move for quite a while. (paraphrased examples): "And Kieth... Change your name, or something... I mean, it's just not scary. Try 'Boris,' or something..." "(sarcastically) Ooh! My name is KIETH!"
I think that's all for now. I can't make any promises about when the next update will be, other than my usual: "I will try for weekly."
Okay... Well, I know I've been neglegent. It's just I've been rather down-ish. I'm taking a 17 credit load, which is a lot; the LTUE symposium (www.ltue.org) is in less than a month, so that adds a freeking TON to my load; and the past few weeks just have not been my best, you know. Like being hammered to death with nerf bats. And not even the solid ones! The floppy ones that really can't do much of anything at all. Just one or two swings isn't anything much, but 50 zillion kinda get to ya.
What else?
So, I went and saw Hoodwinked. It was surprisingly good. I was expecting a halfway funny kids movie, and got a really funny family movie instead. (I am actually finding that most kids movies have only a few elements to them that if removed or slightly altered, and I do mean slightly, would make the movie much more accessible to more mature audiences.) The movie was a little predictable, and the animation is quite outdated, but niether of those actually detracted from the movie itself. The movie had good jokes, not too many horrible puns, and one of the more entertaining villains I've seen in a move for quite a while. (paraphrased examples): "And Kieth... Change your name, or something... I mean, it's just not scary. Try 'Boris,' or something..." "(sarcastically) Ooh! My name is KIETH!"
I think that's all for now. I can't make any promises about when the next update will be, other than my usual: "I will try for weekly."