Ramblings of a Rubber Mouse

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Samurai Jack, temporada 3.

(Insert evil laughter here.) On Monday I got the third season of Samurai Jack on DVD. I think I can sum up my feelings in a single word: "Sweet!"

The first two seasons were amazing, and the third lives up to the reputation. I still havn't managed to watch the whole thing yet, (work keeps me too busy,) but what I have seen is just amazing. I can't wait to watch the rest.

I also got "Guapa" the fourth album by La Oreja de Van Gogh, a Spanish pop group. (Spanish as in "from Spain" and not just "Spanish language.") They're an amazing group. I personally think that overall their third album is a little better than this new one. That's not to say that it's not good. Far from it. This is an amazing album, I love it and am listening to it even as I write this post. I just happen to love the thrid album more.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


So, I've been back home for a few weeks now. It's been nice being here where the weather acts the way it's supposed to. None of this oppressive heat business. The one thing that gets to me is the extreme lack of girls. I honestly didn't think it would be that big of a problem. It's not like my love life ever had too much of a pulse. But I got up here and practically started going through withdrawal. I can only figure that either 1. Even though I didn't date much at college, it was still nice to have the option; or 2. They're just nice to look at. NOT IN THAT WAY! Get your mind out of the gutter! Girls are just a lot prettier and nicer to look at than guys. It's true. I could have equally pleasurable conversations with either gender, but would much rather choose a girl, because frak man... she's a lot easier on the eyes.

Alaska's pretty famous for having poor odds for the bachelor. It's roughly 2 single, adult men to every single, adult woman. We Alaskans even have a joke about it. "When dating in Alaska, the odds are good. But the goods are odd." Heh. You'd have to be an Alaskan to get all of the intricacies of that joke, but it's pretty much one of those "it's funny because it's true" jokes. So, yeah, the lack of eligible ladies is lamentable, but I comfort myself with the knowledge that I will return to the land of plenty within a few months. A few looooooong months.

The lack of women is compounded with the fact that roughly 99% of my friends from my pre-college days have gone elsewhere. That also stinks up a pueblo.

We (my family) have been starting up with our landscaping business. A few sod jobs, some mowing, some fertilizing, but mostly just making sure everything still works and fixing what doesn't. That'll change soon.

My brother is coming up with his family from Texas to help out for the summer. I'm looking foreword to it. He's got some real cute kids and a real cool wife. With them here, and my few remaining friends, the summer shouldn't be too bad.

Well... I'll try and be less lazy in the future. But with working gearing up, I might just be too tired in the future to post anything. I guess only time will tell. Meh. See ya later.

P.S. Let's make a bet: We'll see if I can't at the very least review something by next week before Thursday. Just to get into the habit of posting each week.

If I fail, you all can choose some form of reasonable penitence. Deal?