Soy bastante flojo. Para que sepáis.
Well... I'm finally getting caught up(-ish) with school. I'm not yet caught up, but am getting there. It mostly has to do with the fact that I am finally getting myself organized. My normal chaotic "panic-and-get-it-done-2-minutes-before-it's-due" just never really lends itself to good study habits, you know? So, I'm finally partitioning out my time, and setting goals for schoolwork, while still allowing for (reduced) playtime. If all goes well, within two weeks I should be ahead of schedule, isntead of behind. (Gosh, ,I hope I can stick to my schedules.) The theory is quite simple really. Right now I'm caught up in my easy classes and a little behind in my harder classes. All I need to do is first get ahead in my easy classes, then get caught up in my harder classes. Then, while maintaining my lead in the easy classes, keep working on my harder classes until I am also ahead in them.
Sounds easy... whether it will be that easy to do... *shrug*
So, I had a ton of things to talk about. I forgot a bunch of them, and some of them have become rather moot points. Sooooo... I'm sorry. Yes, I am a loser. But you love me anyway, don't you all? (You'd better!) Let's start with a blank slate.
So, current events: I found a GI-freeking-normous thread at with gaming/nerd-themed "inspirational posters." They were so funny I had to try my had at a few myself. As one with such a self-biased opinion as I do, I think I didn't do too bad a job. Here's one for your enjoyment(?).

Have I ever mentioned how much I love Samurai Jack? It's an awesome show. Too bad that Mako died. He really was about 33 to 50 percent of the show as Aku.
Let's see. I saw Jet Li's fearless Friday. It was pretty good. I was kinda afraid it was going to be a "China's the awesomest and the West is EEEEEVIL" type movie. Fortuneatly, if it was, it was very subtle about it. (Except for the first few minutes, but even then... it wasn't enough to bother.) The movie was MUCH more about humility and acting honorably than it was about nationalism itself.
So, it's been YEARS since I've seen The Nightmare Before Christmas. I don't remember much. I know that Tim Burton's a pretty good director. I know that I liked Corpse Bride and everyone tells me that Nightmare is much better. And I know that I hate (most-to-all) musicals. So I'm kinda torn about watching the 3-D re-release. I'll probably do it, but... I just don't know.
Anyway... that's it for now. Later, and paz afuera.
lol... I crack me up.
Sounds easy... whether it will be that easy to do... *shrug*
So, I had a ton of things to talk about. I forgot a bunch of them, and some of them have become rather moot points. Sooooo... I'm sorry. Yes, I am a loser. But you love me anyway, don't you all? (You'd better!) Let's start with a blank slate.
So, current events: I found a GI-freeking-normous thread at with gaming/nerd-themed "inspirational posters." They were so funny I had to try my had at a few myself. As one with such a self-biased opinion as I do, I think I didn't do too bad a job. Here's one for your enjoyment(?).

Have I ever mentioned how much I love Samurai Jack? It's an awesome show. Too bad that Mako died. He really was about 33 to 50 percent of the show as Aku.
Let's see. I saw Jet Li's fearless Friday. It was pretty good. I was kinda afraid it was going to be a "China's the awesomest and the West is EEEEEVIL" type movie. Fortuneatly, if it was, it was very subtle about it. (Except for the first few minutes, but even then... it wasn't enough to bother.) The movie was MUCH more about humility and acting honorably than it was about nationalism itself.
So, it's been YEARS since I've seen The Nightmare Before Christmas. I don't remember much. I know that Tim Burton's a pretty good director. I know that I liked Corpse Bride and everyone tells me that Nightmare is much better. And I know that I hate (most-to-all) musicals. So I'm kinda torn about watching the 3-D re-release. I'll probably do it, but... I just don't know.
Anyway... that's it for now. Later, and paz afuera.
lol... I crack me up.
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