Ramblings of a Rubber Mouse

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Piratas del Caribe 2

Sorry, I am very sorry. I started writing this, and then had to do something else before finishing it. Then I just forgot to. Sorry.

Welcome back my adoring public. At least, I'm guessing that if you still read my junk after all this time you must be. Or I'm just dilusional. Or both. Who can tell? Anyway... I don't even know why I'm acting so strange today, I havn't had any caffene, so that's not it. If I had, it would explain everything. Anyway.

Pirates. They are cool, as we all know. Pirates of the Carribean 2 is also very cool. Now, most of you have probably already seen it, but I'm in Alaska cruddangit. We don't get anything on time where I am, so BACK OFF!
Anyway. I really like this movie. I'm having a difficult time comparing it to the first movie in terms of which one I like morewell, because it just feels like I watched only half of the movie. (Which, pretty much I did, considering that they obvioulsy made the movie with the intention of being followed by a sequel.) So, that much is frustrating. Also, there were a few parts in which they seemed to just try too hard to make references to the first movie. Don't get me wrong, some of the references were VERY cleverly done, but some of them were just strained. And some of Jack's more confusing lines weren't near as good as they were in the first movie. Also, I don't like some of the special effects they used. They just didn't fit in with the movie. Hombre, most of them did, but there were a couple scenes with special effects that just didn't belong in the movie.
Okay, that's what's wrong with the movie. Now on to what's good! The biggest thing that stand out in my mind is that they actually managed to make the scale of the movie so much larger. I mean, going into the movie I figured: "They fought Zombie-Pirates in the last movie, how could they possibly get bigger than that?" Oh, but they did! Davy Jones and his crew and the Kracken is just on a whole different level altogether. Plus, there's cannibals and voodoo priestesses along the way. Second, for the most part it captures the spirit and adventure of the first movie, and then adds even more. It adds even more pirate conventions and, dare I say, Fanservices? (Someone climbing the mast rigging with a dagger in his teeth, anyone? What about literally gambling with one's life? Or peg legs? Oooooh! And Buried Treasure! That's a pretty good staple.) It was great. The actors did an amazing job, the dialogue was pretty good, most of the time, and there were plenty of twists and turns that I certainly never saw coming. (Like the end of the movie.) I seriously cannot wait for the third movie. I get the shakes just thinking about it.
I heard it said that the people who made Superman Returns thought (for some reason) that it was going to start off a new franchise on the scale of Star Wars. (Nah, they don't have inflated egos. [/sarcasm]) Personally, I think that the Pirates of the Carribean could be the next Star Wars franchise. The movies are definately good enough for it.

I was going to also talk about Who Wants to be a Superhero!, but I think I'll wait until all six episodes have run before making any final judgements on it.

Well, it's not everything I meant to get to, but it'll do. Later.


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