Ramblings of a Rubber Mouse

Sunday, July 09, 2006


Well... It was a tiring week this week. Yesterday wasn't so bad. Got the day off of work, and a friend of mine just returned from a two-year mission in Argentina. Gonna have to help him re-integrate into normal society. Church was good today. I kinda feel like I need a nap though. Probably since I never get enough sleep. But that's my own fault.

So, yeah. Oblivion. Truth be told, I honestly don't know where to start. It's just such a freeking awesome game. Great graphics; amazing story; HUGE game world; the radiant AI was incredible; there are (seemingly) bazillions of side quests; and the ending in-game cut-scene.... =0 Holy Crud! it was so freeking awesome.
I really enjoyed that the game could be played in really any way you wanted it to, as certain skills increased as you used them more. And some of the guild quests... oh wow... they were great. I especially loved the Theif and Dark Brotherhood guild quests. Man those were just plain FUN. I would say more about the quests, but I don't like spoilers, so I'm sorry if you were expecting more.
The game world is just so BIG. You can wander and wander and wander, if you want, and keep running into new stuff. Shrines, inns, even small towns. But really, it's all of the little small touches that the guys at Bethesda did that kept me hooked. Physics-based traps, unique quests, (heh) not-so-random attacks when you least expect it, the list just goes on and on.
I have only two gripes: The first one, really isn't a gripe, but I wish that there was more variety in the voice acting. There's only about 6 voice actors for literally hundreds of NPC's. But, truth be told, that never really distracted me from the game. The second really is a gripe, and that's how omniscient the city and imperial guards are. There were so many times when I would do something that there was no possible way to have been seen or discovered, and 5 seconds later, here runs the city guardsman to arrest me. Ugh, frustrating.
Other than that though, the game is just... so amazing, in so many ways. I really, REALLY hope that they have a true expantion in the works, and not too far distant in the future.

Other than that... not much goin' on. Trying to write more. Also trying to compile a list of great evil laughers. (List includes but is not restricted to: Mojo Jojo; Murray, the evil, demonic skull; and Dr. Evil.)


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