Ramblings of a Rubber Mouse

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Nada que contar

Meh. Not much to report. Missed my chance to watch Nacho Libre in theaters. I guess I'll just wait until it comes out on DVD. City of Heroes/Villians had a "Double XP" weekend. That was cool. I got another paycheck, so I have money in my account. I'm considering buying the next couple of Fullmetal alchemist DVDs as a celebration, but I also am thinking that I should hold off on that, so I don't have to leave quite so much junk up here.

College stinks that way: When you return home for the summer and go back down for the winter, you basically have to divide your stuff up into "Home storage" and "College storage" so you never have full access to all of your stuff. Even if you just want to sell some of it, you can't because it's on the other side of the country. Argh.

Oh well.

More to come when and if I think of it.


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