Ramblings of a Rubber Mouse

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Otra vez, nada que contar

Meh. Not much to say. Past couple of week have had friends over on Saturday and we've been playing RoboRalley. A great little game. Takes a lot of strategy and a little bit of luck. All-in-all great times have been had.

I will most likely not post anything next Sunday, because I will be traveling down to college. 2 days before classes start. (When I go down, not today.) It's cutting it a bit close, but oh well. It was the cheapest fares we could get. I might post something later this week, or maybe later next week. It depends on whether or not anything intereting happens between now and then.

One question I have is that why do people ALWAYS ask if you're excited? (I'm suddenly having a sensation of Deja Vu.) I just don't know. I guess I'm just not that excitable of a guy, but I don't feel very "excited" all that often for trips like this. All sorts of emotions run through me, but not "excited." (Especially since this isn't exactly the first time I'm leaving home for a short while.)

I'm trying to dedicate myself to reading more, both Scripture and fiction. I've slipped quite a bit this past summer. Last summer I went to the local library most every week. Every two weeks at the most infrequent. Speaking of which, Homer is getting a brand-spanking-new library. It's much larger, and is tricked-out with all sorts of cool stuff, like wi-fi internet connections, newer computers and, (most importantly,) more books! It should be pretty awesome. (It had better be, they raised our taxes a whole percent, supposedly to fund the library's construction and maintainence.) The only problem? It's grand opening will be two weeks after I leave.
















Is anyone else seeing something wrong and unfair with this picture??? Oh well. Así es la vida, supongo.


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