I'm sorry. It's just that I got into a political disscusion yeseterday, really agaisnt my will. and the person I was talking to was saying dumb things like: "What news sources do you listen to?" Obviously implying that any news source that I listen to MUST be biased, while all of his sources of information diffuse the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, with no bias whatsoever. Yeah... fraking... right.
I mean, how do you even have a discussion with someone who will automatically dismiss any points you make, merely because they don't agree with his world view? It's like a wind tunnel, in one ear, and out the other. Sometimes I wish I could be just like them, blithely ignorant to the world around me and the possibilities that I might be wrong about some things in life.
I'm sorry to vent like this on you... but... UGH!!!! IT'S SO FRUSTRATING!