Ramblings of a Rubber Mouse

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

La Guerra de las Galaxias

Well, freek. With "Episode III" coming out, there's a buttload of doomsayers out there who are all like: (in a high pitched squeaky voice) "oh, it's gonna stink. It'll be as bad as Episodes I and II. Etc. and so on, blah blah blah... I'm a big sissy..." ad nasuem.

Anyway... I'm so mean to these people because they have no grip. You know what? I LIKED the first two episodes, and I'm really psyked about the 3rd. Yes, I love the original movies too. Maybe Episode I wasn't as good as the first three, but you have to admit, it was a freekin' great movie. Sure, Jar-Jar was annoying, but not THAT annoying. and Midi-Chlorians... Well, it IS George's universe, he can do whatever the frak he wants to with it. If you don't like it: TOUGH. I mean, for crying out loud, everyone sounded like little spoiled rich kids that only got 9 out of the 10 (very expensive) toys (that most children can never afford) for their birthday. Throwing a temper tantrum because they didn't get EXACTLY what they wanted. I mean, come on. He created the thing in the first place. If he want Midi-Chlorians, then so-freekin'-be it.

Anyway, since I live in Alaska, I'm probably not going to be able to see the movie for at least a month or so, unless we get REALLY lucky and get it 1st run. (highly unlikely.) So why are you guys even complaining. 99% of you will be able to see it before half the world anyway, whether you like the movie or not. So get over yourselves and just enjoy it.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


Well... I'm done with school for the semester. Now I just gotta wait for grades to come in and get ready for this fall. You see, I'd been attending school here in my home town at a branch of KPC, which is a branch of UAA. (University of Alaska) But this fall I'll be headed down to BYU in Utah. Great language programs there, which is what I'm shooting for. I'm still undecided on my exact major, but I do want to learn more languages. I think I'll start with Italian and, if I have the time, German too. (As you've hopefully been able to tell, I already speak Spanish.)

But now, instead of school, I've got work to do. My family has a landscaping business here in our little town. We do most everything, but the large bulk of our work is divided between sod and mowing lawns. It's not too bad. It's nice exercise, and you get to spend a lot of time outdoors. It's very healthy. I like it. I mean, it's not always fun, but it's money, and it's better than working the fish docks.

So I've also been getting back into Blood Bowl a lot. It is, without a doubt, my single favorite game, of any sort, type or especie. Bar none. Unfortunately, there aren't a whole lot of players in town anymore. Ever since The Arctic Dragon (the local hobby shop) went out of business a while back, the gaming scene's just kinda died. But it is possible to find a couple of players out there still, so we're startin' up a league! Woo Hoo!