Ramblings of a Rubber Mouse

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

¡Ya tengo Internet!

Hey. My internet's been back up for almost a week now. But with Thanksgiving and everything else, I havn't had much time for anything. Sorry. I will do my best to get my special project up in time. I'm not sure what to tell you until then.

Oh, wait.... Yes I do. Check out Orson Scott Card's Intergalactic Medicine Show. You won't regret it. It's a classic style sci-fi magazine, only it's done on the internet to cut down on costs, and the savings get passed onto us, the readers. It's got some great stories and columns, plus stuff by OSC himself as well as each issue will have a new story set in the universe of Ender's Game. How awesome is that?

Check it out. Be good. See you later.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Aun no tengo internet.

My internet's still down. Sorry. It should be back up early next week.

'Cause if it's not...

Just in case you're wondering, I'm posting this from campus.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

¡Ai! ¡Lo siento!

My internet has been out for the past few days. Actually, it still is! So until it's back up and I can update from the comfort of my own tiny apartment, here's my current reading list:

Of Mice and Magic, by David Farland, the same guy who writes the Runelords series. It's meant for a more juvenile audience, and it shows. But it's a good read despite that. I'd suggest it to ages 9-15, and anyone else who's simply looking for a real quick read.

El Juego de Ender, por Orson Scott Card. Or, in other words, Ender's Game, in Spanish! I love it.

Mortalis, by R.A. Salvatore. It's my first time reading anything from the Demonwar saga. Having loved his Drizzt books, (I don't care if there are other characters, we all know that Drizzt is the only reason 99% of us read them,) I was a little surprised at how slow-paced the book is. It's still a great read. I would say it's better (perhaps far better) than any of his D&D stuff. It's just that the pacing is very slow and there is very little action.

Last of the Mohicans, by James Fenimore Cooper. A classic, to be sure. I myself am rather wary of the term "classic." (I personally find most "classics" to be rather boring, or just plain stupid. Very few live up to their name.) This is my first time reading the book, and to be honest, I'm reading it for a history assignment. I'm not very far into the book, but I find it to be written in a rather poetic style, and I like it. I'm not going to make any judgements just yet, but so far, so good.

I have a few books lined up for after these, the first and foremost being Elantris, by Brandon Sanderson, but I'll wait until Christmas break before I start any really heavy reading.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Estoy por terminar.

Please don't worry. I've got all of my tests done, but I do have two papers due next Monday. After that, it should be pretty calm until finals come around. But I should get onto starting my big speacial Blog project for you all next week. Until then, please just be patient.Thank you.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


I've got three tests, an oral exam and a quiz this week, followed by another test next week, and a big history paper due in two weeks.


It's not too fun. But hey. I already have the oral exam and one test out of the way, so there's that off my chest, but I've still got quite a bit left. Anyway, In the next week or two I should have something special up. Until then though, just know that I am (usually) studying pretty hard.