So, I got an interesting e-mail this last week, a complete stranger complimenting me on my blog. That's cool. But they also asked me to comment on the mess over in the middle east. I'm guessing that the person who e-mailed me either didn't read all of the archives or missed what I have said earlier about politics, (it would be easy enough to miss.) Basically, I'm going to say it again, but more in-depth this time: I hate politics. I get very over-worked when it comes to politics and start rambling like you couldn't believe. I have very strong political beliefs, but I like to see all sides of the story before making any decision, but I find that 99.9% of other people don't care about the truth at all and just look for the stuff that "proves" thier preconcieved notions and then proceed to ignore anything and everything else. Those people believe that they are "fair" and "un-biased" and anyone else is a raging (right/left)-winger who won't listen to reason, when the truth is that THEY are.
It's for reasons like this that I abhor talking about politics, despite the positions that I take so strongly. So, that is why I do not talk about politics on my blog, because I would rant... on and on... about how stupid people in general are. (Because, really, people are sheep.)
So, I've been tip-toeing the line of politics, so I'm going to place this post firmly into the confines of social commentary. It's going to be about the closest to politics I ever get. And as far as I'm concerned, it's too close. But I've already written so much I'm not going to just let it go to waste.
I was thinking a bit today. Yes, I actually think, believe it or not.
Anyway, I was thinking about my brothers two children, and how they, like all children, really only need the logic of "I want to" and "I don't want to". That's all the argument they ever use, and in their minds, probably will ever need. Children are impulsive: everything they do is done without thought and done "because they want to do it."
As we grow up, we learn to use more varied and complex reasons for doing things. At least, that's the theory. But more and more these days, society tells us that self-restraint is bad. We are told that we need to "do what we want" because that's what society wants us to believe will help us become a well-rounded individual. The search of pleasure and trills has become more important that the search to become and adult, and take responsibility for one's actions.
That's another thing that society teaches us we shouldn't do. Responibility for our own actions has no longer become our responsibility, but that of the government. A man kills another, and it's not HIS fault, oh no... it's society for leting him grow up in a manner that would cause him to kill another man. Forget freedom of choice. A man smokes his whole life, knowing that it's probably going to give him cancer and kill him, but when he dies, it CAN'T be his fault, it's the cigarette companies for selling him the product. People these days do what they want, yet they don't want to recognize that actions bring with them consequences. These people are freeking imbeciles. They are morons. They are stupid. Son tontos. They are idiots who not only believe what our society is telling us, they are believing it because, you guessed it, they WANT to.
Now, I'm not saying that we aren't all like that at times. I know I do plenty of thigns that I know I shouldn't. I eat too much candy, and not enough fruits and veggies. My body would be a fat, blobby mess if I didn't have such an active job. I do all sorts of other things that I shouldn't, but I
want to do them. Thing is, I never excuse myself. I understand fully that any negative consequences that arise from my poor self-control is my fault and mine alone. The problem is with people who do things that they know they shouldn't, (or at the least, should know that they shouldn't,) suddenly feel that when something goes wrong, it automatically MUST be someone else's fault. Usually the government's.
Okay... okay... I'm going to force myself to stop, because if I go any further, this sham of not being political will go from tenuous to non-existant. But you see what I mean. I don't just ramble. I RANT. A lot.
Anyway. Enya is cool, I like her music. Bill Cosby is realy funny as well. He's one of my favorite comedians.
There: I've done some more normal-like stuff. Now be satisfied dangit! And please... DON'T EVER ask me to talk about politics again. I hate it. Thank you in advance.